
Action for Children responds to IFS research 'Living standards, poverty and inequality in the UK: 2020'

Thursday 25 June 2020

The government must take action now, or families could face hardship for years to come

Action for Children’s Director of Policy and Campaigns, Imran Hussain, said:

“Millions of families were struggling even before the coronavirus crisis hit and now they’re quickly reaching breaking point.

“Within just days of lockdown, we saw so many desperate parents we had to set up an emergency fund to help them stay afloat during the crisis with basic essentials like food and clothing. Action for Children’s key workers are battling to help frightened families come out the other side of this but, three months in, we know this is just the tip of the iceberg.

“Years of crippling cuts combined with a troubled roll-out of universal credit meant many families were already fighting to keep their heads above water. The government must act now to throw a lifeline to the growing numbers of vulnerable families by scrapping the five-week wait for Universal Credit and increasing child benefit by £10 a week.”


Media contact

Action for Children media team – 07718 114 038 / [email protected]

Notes to editors

  • Action for Children’s key workers have helped feed 2,400 children across the country during lockdown, via the charity’s emergency coronavirus appeal.
  • 41% of children supported by Action for children through the appeal needed help with food.
  • Recent analysis from the charity showed over 8.5 million children living in families with savings less than the average monthly income before the coronavirus crisis hit.
  • Action for Children protects and supports vulnerable children and young people by providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives. With 512 services in communities across the UK, the charity helps more than 604,885 children, teenagers, parents and carers a year.