
Powys Community Additional Needs Project (PCAN) supports children and young people aged 0-25 with additional needs and/or a disability

We offer several types of support:

Social groups

Activities include sports taster sessions, arts & crafts, drama and music.

Life skill groups

We cover inclusive, enabling skills: shopping, community access, cooking, social interaction and sports activities.

Support staff

We assist children and young people with disabilities on an individual basis, either to access activities or groups in their own communities, or to carry out activities in their own homes.

Support for nursery settings, playgroups and community clubs

This can include phone discussions, signposting to advice, training for specific needs or a funding contribution towards the provision of an additional staff member.

We also work with other local services, such as the Integrated Disability Service, Team Around the Family and Children’s Services to help families get the right support at the right time.

Prosiect Anghenion Ychwanegol Cymunedol Powys

Mae Prosiect Anghenion Ychwanegol Cymunedol Powys yn helpu plant a phobl ifanc rhwng 0 a 25 oed sydd ag anghenion ychwanegol a/neu anabledd.

Rydym yn cynnig sawl gwahanol fath o gymorth:

Grwpiau cymdeithasol

Mae’r gweithgareddau’n cynnwys pethau fel sesiynau blasu ar gyfer chwaraeon, celf a chrefft, drama a cherddoriaeth.

Grwpiau sgiliau byw

Rydym yn cynnig sgiliau galluogi cynhwysol: siopa, mynediad at y gymuned, coginio, rhyngweithio cymdeithasol a gweithgareddau chwaraeon.

Staff cymorth

Rydym yn helpu plant a phobl ifanc ag anableddau yn unigol, naill ai i gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau neu grwpiau yn eu cymunedau eu hunain, neu i wneud gweithgareddau yn eu cartref eu hunain. 

Cymorth ar gyfer meithrinfeydd, cylchoedd chwarae a chlybiau cymunedol

Gall hyn gynnwys trafodaethau dros y ffôn, cyfeirio at gyngor, hyfforddiant ar gyfer anghenion penodol neu gyfraniad ariannol at ddarparu aelod ychwanegol o staff.

Byddwn hefyd yn gweithio gyda gwasanaethau lleol eraill, fel y Gwasanaeth Anabledd Integredig, y Tîm o Amgylch y Teulu a Gwasanaethau Plant i helpu teuluoedd i gael y cymorth iawn ar yr adeg iawn.