
Sandwell Family Partners

Hillside Children's Centre, West Bromwich

When times are bad, families need extra support

Family Partners is an intensive Family Support Service which aims to help families make positive changes, overcome difficulties and ultimately prevent children’s needs being neglected. 

We do this by building a trusting relationship with parents and children, and challenge the whole family to make positive changes, at the earliest onset of difficulties.  We don't wait for a crisis to develop.

This service is provided on a one-to-one basis by a Family Partners practitioner for 22 weeks. Home visiting is the main method of delivery.

The core components of the service are:

  • Building a trusting, respectful and co-operative relationship so that families engage with the programme;
  • Providing challenge, practical help and support through one-to-one work so that families develop changed behaviours. This includes developing routines, keeping the home clean and safe, providing safe and stimulating activities, providing a balanced diet, keeping children safe, and managing money and debt;
  • Acting as broker to specialist, universal or community services.

Our work helps:

  • Strengthen family relationships;
  • Raise achievements for children;
  • Support parents towards employment;
  • Make parents more confident and capable;
  • Achieve better mental health for the whole family;
  • Reduce the risk of child neglect.