
Tan y Dre Residential Service

In the local authority of Wrexham.

We have high aspirations for children who are looked after and want them to be everything they can be

Welcome to Tan Y Dre Children’s Home. We look after children and young people between the ages of 9 – 18 years of age (up to 14 on admission).

We offer both medium and long-term placements to local authorities across North Wales and bordering counties.

We achieve a high standard of excellence in our services by providing a warm, nurturing, safe and loving family environment. With a staff team who are passionate, committed and dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes and who pride themselves on the achievements of the young people.

Our Children are likely to have experienced early childhood trauma including, neglect, abuse, domestic violence and sexual exploitation. This can lead to self-harm, lack of attachment, inability to keep themselves safe and to recognise and regulate emotions, severe low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and poor communication skills.

We understand that separation from families can be traumatic, stressful and painful and that most children/young people experience feelings of rejection, loss, grief and guilt. These feelings can manifest themselves as learnt negative behaviour. With support from our therapists, we implement strategies to help children and young people to begin to understand their feelings and to develop skills to enjoy and achieve.

Our children receive a bespoke intervention tailored to their individual needs supported by a team of staff who are fully committed to understating and meeting the child’s needs and reduces the identified barriers.

We have high aspirations for children who are looked after and want them to be everything they can be. We want to inspire them and nurture their potential whilst encouraging and supporting them, as we would our own children. We advocate on their behalf so that significant others understand the behaviours and have the same shared aspirations as we do.

Rydym yn gofalu am blant a phobl ifanc rhwng 9 ac 18 oed (hyd at 14 wrth dderbyn).  Rydym yn cynnig lleoliadau tymor canolig a thymor hir i Awdurdodau Lleol ledled Gogledd Cymru a siroedd y gororau.

Mae naws teuluol diogel, cynnes, cefnogol a chariadus y cartref yn golygu bod y gwasanaeth a ddarparwn yn cyrraedd safon ragorol. Mae gennym dîm o staff ymroddgar ac angerddol sy’n gweithio'n galed i sicrhau'r canlyniadau gorau un, ac sy’n ymfalchïo yn yr hyn y mae’r bobl ifanc yn ei gyflawni.

Mae’n debygol y bydd ein plant wedi cael profiad o drawma yn gynnar yn eu plentyndod, gan gynnwys camdriniaeth, esgeulustod, trais domestig a cham-fanteisio rhywiol.  Mae hyn yn gallu arwain at hunan-niweidio, diffyg ymlyniad, methu cadw eu hunain yn ddiogel na rheoli emosiynau, lefelau isel iawn o hunan-barch, pryder, iselder a sgiliau cyfathrebu gwael.

Rydym yn deall bod cael eu gwahanu oddi wrth eu teuluoedd yn brofiad trawmatig, poenus a llawn straen, a bod y rhan fwyaf o blant/pobl ifanc yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwrthod, ac yn teimlo colled, galar ac euogrwydd yn aml iawn.  Mae’r teimladau hyn yn gallu dod i’r amlwg fel ymddygiad negyddol sydd wedi’i ddysgu. Gyda chymorth gan ein therapyddion, byddwn yn rhoi strategaethau ar waith i helpu plant a phobl ifanc i ddechrau deall eu teimladau a meithrin sgiliau i fwynhau a chyflawni.

Bydd ein plant yn cymryd rhan mewn rhaglen ymyrraeth sydd wedi’i theilwra’n arbennig ar eu cyfer nhw, ac yn cael eu cefnogi gan dîm o staff sydd wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i ddeall anghenion y plentyn a’u diwallu, a lleihau’r rhwystrau a nodwyd.

Mae gennym lawer o ddyheadau ar gyfer plant sy'n derbyn gofal, ac am iddynt gyrraedd eu nod ym mhob ffordd. Rydym am eu hysbrydoli a meithrin eu potensial, gan eu hannog a’u cefnogi, yn union fel y byddem yn ei wneud i’n plant ni ein hunain. Byddwn yn eiriol ar eu rhan fel bod pobl eraill sydd o bwys yn deall yr ymddygiadau ac yn rhannu’r un dyheadau â ni.