
Supporting you

You'll receive tailored 24 hour support and training throughout your fostering journey.

As an Action for Children foster carer, you'll receive tailored support all year round to care for a child or young person. From support groups and regular trainings to fun activities for the whole family.

Our staff are highly trained to meet complex needs. Our therapeutic approach takes young people’s trauma into account. Through care and support, we help them build resilience and positive relationships.

You're expected to develop skills and knowledge about fostering. You'll have regular supervision sessions where you can talk through your training needs with your allocated social worker.

Your social worker will keep a record of your training and development on your file.

All training provided to you by Action for Children Fostering is free of charge and either online or at a venue local to you.

Supporting you

Action for Children fostering provides foster carers with all the support, training and guidance they need to be the best foster carers they can be.

Dedicated social workers

We believe that the support we give to our foster families is second to none and is available to all family members. All of our foster carers have a dedicated supervising social worker who will give one-to-one help and advice whenever needed.

24 hour support

We have a 24 hour phone line with a social worker and team manager always on call, you’ll be able to get in touch with us at any time of the day or night.

Action for Children foster carers are supported by a professional team, 24/7 year-round.

I think it's a massive, massive help that Action for Children Fostering are there morning, noon and night.

Foster Carer

Regular support groups and mentors

Our regular support groups take place at least once every three months. They give our foster carers the chance to get together and meet people doing the same amazing thing. They’re facilitated by supervising social workers. From time to time, other team members or guests may attend.

Support groups provide:

  • An opportunity for carers to share experiences of fostering and to learn from one another
  • Training opportunities
  • Support, information and advice to carers
  • An arena for discussing new developments, policies or procedures in the service
  • Peer support and friendship

Most of our services have a ‘buddy system’ where new foster carers are paired up with more experienced people. Often our carers say that talking to others and sharing their experiences is invaluable.

Our fostering ambassadors will also make sure the opinions of our foster carers are heard.

Clinical psychologists

We have specialist psychological input from Changing Minds UK. Foster carers have the opportunity to have regular sessions with a clinical psychologist to discuss any issues they are having on a personal level or with their young person.