
Vale Short Breaks aims to enrich the life experiences of disabled children and young people by providing a wide range of learning and fun opportunities tailored to the individual need

Parents and carers are also able to take a break from their caring responsibilities while their children are at the service.

Young people can stay at Ty Robin Goch from the age of six years up to their 18th birthday giving them a high-quality break from home and their families much needed respite.

Many of the children we support have substantial and highly complex needs and playing outside benefits their health, wellbeing and development.  The recently developed sensory room and garden at Ty Robin provide a safe space for children to play and support the development of a variety of skills such as hand-to-eye coordination and social interaction.

Seibiannau Byr y Fro – Tŷ Robin Goch

Nod Seibiannau Byr y Fro yw cyfoethogi profiadau bywyd plant a phobl ifanc anabl drwy gynnig pob math o gyfleoedd dysgu a chwarae, a’r rheini wedi'u teilwra’n arbennig i anghenion yr unigolyn.

Bydd modd i rieni a gofalwyr hefyd gael seibiant oddi wrth eu cyfrifoldebau gofalu tra mae’r plant yn y gwasanaeth.

Gall plant a phobl ifanc ddechrau aros yn Tŷ Robin Goch pan maent yn chwech oed, hyd at eu pen-blwydd yn 18 oed, er mwyn iddyn nhw gael gwyliau o safon o’u cartref, ac er mwyn i’w teulu gael seibiant haeddiannol.

Mae gan lawer o’r plant a gefnogwn nifer helaeth o anghenion, a’r rheini’n rhai cymhleth iawn, ac mae chwarae yn yr awyr agored yn fanteisiol i’w hiechyd, eu lles a’u datblygiad.  Mae’r ardd a’r ystafell synhwyraidd sydd wedi’u creu’n ddiweddar yn Tŷ Robin yn fan diogel i blant chwarae, ac yn ffordd o helpu i ddatblygu amrywiaeth o sgiliau, fel rhyngweithio cymdeithasol a chydsymud rhwng y llaw a’r llygad.