
Action for Children responds to Childrens Commissioner for England report that warns explosion in number of older children going into care over last five years is hitting stability of the system

Thursday 01 August 2019

In response to the Children’s Commissioner’s annual Stability Index, head of policy and research at Action for Children, Eleanor Briggs, said:

“This is yet more evidence of a care system that’s failing some of our most vulnerable children rather than giving them the safe and happy childhood they need.

“At Action for Children we see first-hand the awful impact on children in care of leaving behind everything they know when they have to change homes, families, friends, social workers and schools, sometimes over and over again.

“The care system should be there to support the recovery of these vulnerable young people, not cause them upheaval, loss and distress. The new Government must urgently address the root causes of this problem, providing children with the right home and the right support, as well as properly funding early help services which work with families before problems reach crisis point.”


Media contact

Huw Beale, Senior Media Officer, Action for Children: 07718 114 038 / [email protected]

Out of hours 07802 806 679 / [email protected]

Notes to editors

For 150 years Action for Children has been helping disadvantaged children across the UK through intervening early to stop neglect and abuse, fostering and adoption, supporting disabled children, and by campaigning tirelessly to make life better for children and families. With over 550 services the charity improves the lives of more than 300,000 children, teenagers, parents and carers every year.