
Set yourself a personal challenge this year and take on a 100 metre descent down the side of Portsmouth’s iconic landmark, Spinnaker Tower. With unmissable views across Portsmouth harbour, the Solent and the Isle of Wight, this will be an adrenaline rush you’ll remember forever.

2024 dates are now available to book for the exclusive price of £40. To sign up, please email [email protected]

We also ask for £250 minimum sponsorship. The money you raise will support vulnerable children, young people and their families across the UK.

Why take part?

From fundraising to the moment you reach solid ground, we’ll support you every step of the way. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Discounted price on the abseil (usually £100 per person)
  • Your own Action for Children T-shirt
  • A dedicated support team to help aid you in your fundraising
  • A fundraising guide and resources
  • Monthly emails containing training tips and news about Action for Children