Got a place in the ballot? Join Team Action for Children today
Choosing Action for Children from the long list of London Marathon charities means making a difference to vulnerable children all across the UK. If you've secured your ballot, join team Action for Children today!
Running for Action for Children means you can help us reach the children and families who need us most. With 372 services across the UK, we're there everyday putting food in the fridge, making a home for children in care, or helping reach those at risk or experiencing youth homelessness. Thanks to people like you, our frontline staff can keep working hard to ensure safe and happy childhoods across the UK.
What you'll receive:
By running for our charity, you'll also receive these fantastic benefits:
- Massage, food, shower and professional photos at our post-race party!
- Free Action for Children branded running vest to wear on the day.
- Tailored training guides and tips from our professional running coach.
- Support from our dedicated events team to help you smash your fundraising target.
- Digital support pack with fundraising ideas and materials.
- And lots of cheers! Be cheered on by our amazing and loud cheer squad to keep you going to the finish line. Look for us at mile 19 and 25!
If you got a place in the ballot, you can support Action for Children and receive all the same fantastic benefits as runners with our charity places. We would love to have you! Simply complete the form below to join our team and we'll be in touch to help you in your fundraising journey.
Please note this form is only for those that already have a place.
Still need a place? Join our waiting list

Alicia's story
"It’s been such an incredible journey fundraising for Action for Children, and I can't believe the day to run is almost here. I'm really looking forward to enjoying all the sights along the route and celebrating with my family at the finish line."