
Donate in memory of someone

Giving in memory of a loved one can help us support safe and happy lives for vulnerable children

Celebrate the life of a loved one by transforming a child’s life in their memory.

Your donations could help us deliver life-changing support for thousands of children and families locked in poverty.

How to donate

Create a tribute to someone special by donating or fundraising in memory through JustGiving or MuchLoved.

You can also make a one-off donation in memory of a loved one.

Young happy girl jumping in the air to catch balloons in park

We're here to help

If you would like more information about donating in memory of a loved one, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re always happy to help.

Where possible please contact us via email or phone (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm). Especially if you need an urgent response.

Call us

0300 123 2112

Email us

[email protected]

Write to us
We currently have reduced access to our post so it may take longer to reply than usual. However, rest assured we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Our address is: Legacy Team, Action for Children, 3 The Boulevard, Ascot Road, Watford WD18 8AG