
By accepting an Action for Children charity place you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

By signing this registration form, you are committing to raising the minimum sponsorship for Action for Children (excluding Gift Aid). Please note you will still be required to raise the min. sponsorship, even if running in a group of two or more: min. sponsorship is per runner.

Once your place has been confirmed we require a registration fee, which goes towards the cost of your Charity place. If you drop out for any reason your deposit is non-refundable. Action for Children reserves the right to refuse a registration at its absolute discretion.

You must be 17 years or over on the day of the race. If you are unable to participate in the event for any reason, all donated monies collected in support of Action for Children must be forwarded to the charity or returned to the individual sponsors. Monies already received by the charity will not be refunded. When Action for Children establishes contact described as “urgent”, runners must respond via email/telephone/in writing as quickly as possible.

By signing up to this event, you are consenting to Action for Children using any images of you in their promotional materials. Please contact us in advance of the event if you are unhappy with this arrangement.

By signing up to this event, you are declaring that you are physically fit to participate in this event and that you understand Action for Children does not take responsibility for any health issues during your training for the event or any incidents which occur on race day. If you have any health concerns prior to, or during, your training, you will consult with your doctor.